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Entries in New Releases (82)


Paintball Smash is Live!

Happy Tuesday, everybody! It's only been about 3 months since we first promised you Paintball Smash... Well, today it is live.

Paintball Smash is our take on a first-person shooter. You need to march your way through a 3D playing field, eliminating your opponents as you go. Be on the lookout for upgraded paint-guns and power-ups and you'll be on your way to the leaderboard.

We're pretty darn happy with Paintball Smash and we thing you will be too. Click here to check it out!


New Game: Off-Balance

Another game has been posted this morning! In Off-Balance you'll need to help your little buddy navigate dozens of mazes while avoiding the walls and traps. (Think old-school "Operation", just way cuter). It's quite addictive so head over and start playing now!

P.S. I know it's been a while since we last posted about Paintball from Silent Bay Studios, but worry not! I'm happy to report it should be ready for release next week!

Click here to play Off-Balance now!


New Game: MagiGoo

Today's new game goes in the "strange but really really fun" category. Magigoo is awfully hard to explain! Essentially, you control the character with your mouse. The object of the game is to "catch" as many "Goos" as possible by drawing a magic line around them (done by holding down the left mouse-button). Following me??

Go ahead, give MagiGoo a try and we'll talk to you when you stop playing in about 3 hours :)

Click here to play MagiGoo right now!


New Game: Dirt Track Racing

Another new game is live on the Candystand this morning, it's called Dirt Track. This is another stellar racing game from our friends at Silent Bay Studios. See if you can drift your way to victory!

Click here to play Dirt Track Racing!


New Game: Delivery Boy

Anyone ever wonder just how we get Wrigley gum to just about every store in your neighborhood. Well, our latest game, Delivery Boy, let's you experience one of the ways that we absolutely do not deliver Juicy Fruit, Big Red and Winterfresh gum!

In Delivery Boy, we put you on a bike and give you free reign in a city environment to pick up cases of gum and deliver them to needy retailers. The game is just a ton of fun and really easy to play. We think you're going to like it!

So, stop what you're doing and click here to check out Delivery Boy now!

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