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Entries in New Releases (82)


Hover Wars Bumps onto Candystand

This week's release is the futuristic combat arena game Hover Wars. Hover Wars is, of course, the next evolution of bumper cars set in the not too distant future. Ok that is a bit much-- sorry, I am a bit of a Sci-fi buff. The objective of Hover Wars is to knock your rivals out of the arenas. This, however, is easier said then done. Luckily you have a power-up scattered around to help you with your cause. So head on over to to play the best futuristic combat arena Bumper Craft game out there.

Spin Blaster is live and our logo got spooky

We're trying to get in the Halloween spirit in the office, so we figured we ought to add just a little big of spookiness to our logo. The real challenge is how our designers incorporate a turkey for Thanksgiving... stay tuned for that one!

On to the more important news of the day... this week's new game is now live on the site. The game is called Spin Blaster and it is a modern interpretation of a classic arcade-style shooter.

I have to say, this game ain't easy (which is another way to say that I stink at it), but it has become an instant favorite with the team here. You control a rotating "core" and have to spin it so that you shoot orange shapes from the orange side and green ones from the green side... make sense?? LOL... it may be complicated to explain, but it is very easy to figure out. I just think it'd be better if you went over to the site and checked it out for yourself!

Click here to play Spin Blaster!

There's more great stuff in the works, including a new and upgraded Blog! So, sit tight and stay tuned for all of the latest from!


New Game: Thunderboard

It's been a while since our hit game Kickflip came out, so we thought it was about time to put out another skateboarding game... and this one is wicked fun. Thunderboard combines the freestyle/trick elements of many skateboarding games, but adds the speed and excitement of downhill racing.

The goal of Thunderboard is to make it to the end of each course before time runs out, tricking like mad the whole way down. Ramps, jumps and obstacles are strategically placed throughout the course -- it is a blast and we really think you're going to like it!

Click here to play Thunderboard


Fancy Pants Adventure comes to

New game today -- and it's a good one. You may have played previous versions of Brad Borne's innovative side-scroller, Fancy Pants Adventure. If you have (or even if you haven't), you'll be psyched to try out Fancy Pants Adventure World 2 which launched this morning.

Just like classic side-scrollers (think Super Mario Bros., Sonic, etc.), your job is to guide Fancy Pants Man through all kinds of crazy levels in Squiggleville, collecting shells as you go. It's the kind of game that you can just pick up quickly and play for hours. Plus, we have added a leaderboard to the game so that you can see how you stack up vs. the rest of the world.

So, head on over to the site to check out Fancy Pants Adventure World 2, you will not be disappointed!


Two new games and a new look for

It's an exciting day for all of us here at We've tweaked the design of the site a bit (made pages load faster, yay!) and added two really slick games. Enough banter, let's get into it!

The first game to note is called Blackbeard's Assault -- this is one that I am very excited about. Blackbeard's Assault is half-puzzle game and half-arcade game... but totally fun. You have to manage multiple cannons and fire cannonballs to form groups of three or more cannonballs before the rolling balls reach the "X" at the end of each level/maze. Confused? Don't be, just click here to play Blackbeard's Assault now!

The next new game is Ether War. This is a classic space-shooter in which you need to guide your ship to protect the space station. What sets Ether War apart is the outstanding control and the incredible visuals. While I stink at it, our testers are in love with this game! If you like classic shooters, click here to give Ether War a try!

You might notice that we've added banner ads to for the first time. Please remember that we're able to give you high-quality games because of the support we receive from our advertisers. Due to their support, we've got a ton of new games in the pipeline, so stay tuned here for all of the latest news. This blog will become very active over the next few weeks and, as always, we're thrilled to hear from you guys. So, don't be afraid to drop us a line and let us know what you think about our site, our games or whatever is on your mind!

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