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Entries in New Releases (82)


Extra Jetpack Mission Launched!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! To work off a little of that turkey and stuffing, why not give your fingers some exercise by playing our latest game, Extra Jetpack Mission. Enjoy!

This game was created by our friends at Stimunation in Germany. In addition to this, they are the folks behind Monster Trucks Unleashed and our next two games, Paintball Titans and Polarity -- more to come on those in the next couple of weeks!


Everyone's Hero swings in to!

As promised, our newest game is here! This morning, we launched
Everyone's Hero Blast Ball on the site. If you haven't played this game yet, stop reading this post immediately and click here!

We're very excited about this game. Not only is it really easy to play, but the graphics are stunning. Make sure to check out
Everyone's Hero when it swings into theatres on September 15!

Let me know what you think about the game by emailing me!

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