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Entries in New Releases (82)


New Release: Grid

This week's release is Grid. It's a mind-bending puzzler that, once you get the hang of it, will keep you gripped for hours. It's already a favorite among the team.

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New Release: Fashion Star

So this week we have something for the ladies. It’s time to join the world of high fashion with Fashion Star. The game features two modes of play. The first is called "Catwalk". In this mode you are rated on how well you match colors and styles. The second mode is more laid back. In Free Dress, you can dress your model in any style you want. One cool feature in this mode is the option to print out your model. Great for showing your fashion sense to the world. So head over the Candystand and get your dress on.

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New Release: Wallace and Gromit: Top Bun

Our newest addition has me all types of excited. What is it? Wallace and Gromit: Top Bun. The game's objective is to make as many loafs of bread as possible before time runs out. Be careful though, each one of the 8 levels becomes a bit more challenging and you have to react faster. Don’t worry though, you’ll have the opportunity to shop for items to help you complete your missions. So, head on over to and let the baking begin!

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New Release: Icestorm Speedway

This week’s release is Icestorm Speedway, which is based on the beyond extreme sport of ice racing . You have to race your bike around the track without the use of brakes, so power slides are the name of the game. So head over to Candystand and like always let us know what you think.

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New Release: Bumper Stars

Bumper Stars is this week’s new release. It’s mix of pinball and pool. You take your “Bumper Star” and fling them around, trying to get as much fruit as possible with one shot. There are even more bumpers that you can unlock and also Achievements you can gain. This one is quite popular over here at the HQ, so I am sure you will enjoy it.

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