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Entries in New Releases (82)


Blastrix is live and an update on trophies

Well, folks, we've just launched Blastrix and I still officially stink at this game! Our friends at Stimunation did a really fantastic job on this one -- it plays incredibly smoothly. I highly suggest that you check it out.

Click here to play Blastrix

Separately, we've heard your suggestions to add more Trophy Games and, as you've probably already seen, we've delivered!

I thought it was important that we outline a really clear policy/standard for adding Trophies to games. From now on, Trophies for games will be live about 1-week after the game launches. The reason we can't launch with a Trophy that, sadly, we are nowhere near as good as you guys are at these games.... so, we can only give our best guess to how "good" a good score really is until we watch the leaderboards for a week.

Also, once we launch the Trophies, if you have already achieved a score equal to one of the Trophy levels we will automatically award the Trophy to you.

Next week, I will give you a preview of version 2.0 of Candystand Trophies which will be part of a really cool new "My Candystand" feature. Stay tuned!


Slipstream is live!

The wait is over, Slipstream is now live!

Click here to play what I think is one of our best games ever... I hope you agree. Don't forget to shoot me an email and let us know what you think!

Next week, I'll preview our next couple of games. For now, enjoy Slipstream!


Roaring Waves is live!

For the record, it is absolutely freezing here in New Jersey... It's so cold that I'm almost embarrassed to announce that we've launched Roaring Waves... a surfing game!

The good news is that the game is super-fun and pretty addictive. Your goal, not surprisingly, is to pull off tricks, curves and basically not fall off of your board. There definitely aren't many surfing games out there on the web, so we're excited to have one on our site.

Click here to play Roaring Waves!
As always, shoot me a note and let me know what you think.

On a separate note, you might notice that looks a little different this morning. We've implemented a new "user-sliver" (the black bar that runs down the left-hand side of the page). Right now, the only new functionality is that we display your trophies and let you edit it without refreshing the page. Soon, we will be adding a whole bunch of new features to the site, including an overhauled Trophy Room/My Candystand area. It should be cool -- of course, we will preview it here.

Enjoy Roaring Waves!



Surprise! Vector TD2 is out!

Ahh, your friends here at have a little surprise for you that's sure to destroy any hopes you have of getting real work done today. Yep, we've launched Vector TD2!

...Not that anyone is still reading, but we haven't made many fundamental changes to the game in this version (you're welcome for not screwing it up!). We now have a few different "modes" that you can apply to each map.

Oh forget it, you're not reading anymore. If you are, you're wasting valuable TD time!

Go ahead, click here to play Vector TD2 and don't complain if you wind up getting fired today -- it'll be SO worth it :)


Line Golfer for Facebook is live!

Facebook users rejoice! We've finally launched Line Golfer for Facebook. We hope you enjoy!

Click here for the app.