New Game: Off-Balance

Another game has been posted this morning! In Off-Balance you'll need to help your little buddy navigate dozens of mazes while avoiding the walls and traps. (Think old-school "Operation", just way cuter). It's quite addictive so head over and start playing now!
P.S. I know it's been a while since we last posted about Paintball from Silent Bay Studios, but worry not! I'm happy to report it should be ready for release next week!
Reader Comments (2)
The game is good but I find the controls a bit hard to master (making narrow areas hard to keep to with out being taken back to the return point)
i love candystand games and found it really easy to addapt to the controls, i just wish more people played the game in the uk, as my top score is 3,219 and the next highest score to be submitted is 1,945. I hope i will get alot more competition when it becomes a trophy game.