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Candystand GT Racing Sneak Peek

Based on your emails, it seems that we aren't the only ones waiting on pins and needles for Candystand GT Racing to come out. The truth is, it's taken us WAY longer to make this game perfect than we could have ever imagined it would. Now, we're only a few weeks away from it's release and it is looking really hot!

So, "what's taking so long?" you ask. Well, GT Racing is's first NextGen 3D game. You'll definitely need some CPU horsepower and a 3D accelerator to play, but this will definitely not disappoint! We've juiced this game up with some of the best graphics you've ever seen in a web game and are using the Virtools plug-in to do so. By the way, you'll be hearing lots about Virtools from us in the near future. More to come on that later.

For now, here are some screen-shots to tide you over -- I've been staring at these for weeks and can hardly take it anymore!

The "outskirts of town"

All kinds of wicked jumps and pick-ups to be found

Completely navigable cityscape -- right or left at the fork?

Not only does this game boast unreal graphics and stereo sound, but it features a full-fledged career mode complete with unlockable cars, a custom styling center and loads of under-the-hood upgrades. Trust me, you've never seen anything like this from Candystand before!

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Welcome to The Candystand Blog


Welcome to the brand, spankin' new Blog! On behalf of the entire team, I will be using this space to give you hints and tips on your favorite Candystand games, sneak-previews of some of the new games we have in development, information about our latest sweepstakes and promotions and, of course, lots of inside-info on your favorite Wrigley products.


To stop the conspiracy theories before they start, I am a real person who works on for Wrigley. I've worked on the site for several years and played on it for even longer. Not only do I plan to use this blog to keep all of you up-to-date, but I want you to tell me what we can do to make the site and our games better. Good or bad, please leave comments -- I will read them all!

We've got TONS of new, fun stuff on the way including the game everyone here can't wait to launch, Candystand GT Racing. So, check back often and drop me a line while you're here!


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