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Entries by Scott (162)


Sneak Peek: Skyburst

One of the more innovative games that we've produced in quite a while is our upcoming title, Skyburst. The game is set above a gorgeous 3D city with the object simply to match like-colored fireworks and explode them... as if it will be that easy!

The game is visually stunning and the lightning-fast pace will definitely keep you hooked. It should be out in about a month, so stay tuned!


Skyburst preview coming soon!

It's Friday and I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the weekend. Make sure to check back with us next week for a sneak preview of another upcoming game: Skyburst


GT Racing Update

Great news! Candystand GT Racing is getting really, really close to completion now.

Yes, I read all of your emails and a lot of you have asked for more screens of the rich, 3D environment we've created. These screens provide a little bit more detail on the game environment. Our virtual city has various neighborhood and very realistic topography (hills, etc.). Nice, eh?

Hang in there -- the wait is almost over! Keep checking in here at the Candystand Blog for more info on our launch date, next week.


Everyone's Hero swings in to!

As promised, our newest game is here! This morning, we launched
Everyone's Hero Blast Ball on the site. If you haven't played this game yet, stop reading this post immediately and click here!

We're very excited about this game. Not only is it really easy to play, but the graphics are stunning. Make sure to check out
Everyone's Hero when it swings into theatres on September 15!

Let me know what you think about the game by emailing me!


Big day tomorrow...

Tomorrow's going to be a big day for us at We've got a few new promotions on the way and, believe it or not, we have a new game coming out! The game is sort of top-secret, but what I can tell you is that the game involves a bat, a ball and a major motion picture...

Check the Candystand homepage or this blog tomorrow for more info.