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More FAQ's

Lots of questions have been rolling in, so I thought it would be good to answer them here. Remember, you can always drop me a line by clicking here.

Q: How can I view other user's Trophy Room if they aren't on a leaderboard?
A: It's pretty easy. View your Trophy Room, then add "?u=username" to the end of the URL. The key is that you have to know your friend's username to do it. So, the URL would be something like this:

Q: I saw a survey on the Candystand Home Page, what's up with that?
A: From time to time, we like to learn more about our users. This particular suvey is geared toward folks that play Candystand games while they're working (see, I am not the only one!).

Q: Did you ever get a Trophy on Monster Trucks Unleashed?
A: I most certainly did! In fact, I earned a silver with a score of 127,000! I'm very proud of myself :-)

Q: Any updates on GT Racing or Mini Putt Adventure?
A: We're working night and day on these games. GT will be here before Mini Putt but it is still at least a couple of weeks away.

That's it for today. Later this week, I'll preview a new game (see screen below) that will launch on August 15. It's a baseball game and should be a blast.


Monster Trucks Trophy Added

Quick post today. We added a new trophy for Monster Trucks Unleashed this morning. Here's what it will take to earn each one:

Gold - 175,000
Silver - 125,000
Bronze - 75,000

My best score so far is just over 60,000... can you guess what I'll be doing all afternoon?? The developers tell me that the trick to scoring big is to do lots of flips and concentrate upgrades on shocks, engine and steering.

Trophy #11, here I come!


Sneak Peek: Life Savers Mini Putt Adventure

Based on your emails, I think that I struck a chord by announcing our new Mini Putt game. I have to be honest... this game is going to flat-out rule!


Life Savers Mini Putt Adventure is yet another Virtools game that we have in development. As you'll notice in the screens below, Virtools gives us the ability to deliver games that rival consoles in terms of graphics quality and 3D effects, via the web. We believe that it is the "next big thing" in online gaming, but you'll definitely be the judge of that!


You'll choose one of four characters (see above as an example) and enter a fully 3D world where each of the 18 holes will feature a different Life Savers flavor. In addition to a traditional 18 hole game, we are adding a few unlockable mini games to keep you entertained. Take a look at the screens below -- they give new meaning to the term "eye candy," don't you think?

The Life Savers Orange Mints hole with the 3D world in the background


The course goes through the desert, at night!


Every Mini Putt course needs a windmill

This game is still about a month or so away, but it will be worth the wait! I'll share more screens and info in the coming weeks.


Also, it's important to note that Candystand Mini Golf is not going away! We love this classic as much as you all do and have no plans to remove it.


The Doublemint Twins

"Double your pleasure, double your fun..." It's all about the Doublemint Twins today on The Candystand Blog!

First off, this morning we launched the Doublemint Twins Tandem Bike Sweepstakes on You can enter once-per-day for a chance to ride off in a lovely, green tandem bicycle.

Also, the Doublemint Twins have a chance to earn advertising immortality: a spot on the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame in New York City. Please do your part and vote for the Doublemint Twins by clicking here.

Tomorrow, I will be back with a full preview of our new Life Savers Mini Putt Adventure game. This is still in development, but you won't believe your eyes. It's truly Candystand NextGen!


Wow, what a response!

Two days into this new blog and I can't believe the response. I'll do my best to address all of your questions as quickly as I can.

Some of the most asked questions (and their answers) are below.

Q: Do people actually win all of the prizes you offer on
A: Yes. We give them all away. Unfortunately, I'm not eligible to win them -- but you guys are!

Q: Other than GT Racing, what new games are coming out soon?
A: I'll get into these in more detail soon, but we have a lot on the way! We've got a 3D miniature golf game, a Fireworks-based puzzle game called Skyburst and a new baseball game all coming in the next month or so. We know you want new games and we're doing our best to deliver!

Q: What's the most popular game on
A: Candystand Billiards has consistently been our most popular game over the last few years. It is getting some serious competition, however, from Monster Trucks Unleashed. If you haven't played it yet, you need to. It rocks!

Q: How many trophies do you have in your Trophy Room?
A: I have only won 10 and they're almost all bronze (I finally earned a silver in Boardwalk Bowling last week).

Q: Do you have any new sweepstakes coming up?
A: Yep! We have a bunch! Starting next week, we'll be giving away a green tandem-bicycle from Doublemint just like the one you've seen the Doublemint Twins ride on TV (twins not included, sorry!). Next week, I'll give you a full preview of our upcoming sweepstakes, so check back here.

Q: How old is
A: We launched the site in March 1997, so it is 9-years-old.

Q: How often will you post to this blog?
A: I'll try to post as often as I can. At least a few times per week. Feel free to pick up our RSS feed (on the right-side of this page) to easily receive content updates in My Yahoo!, Google and other news readers.

Keep the comments and emails coming!