More FAQ's

Lots of questions have been rolling in, so I thought it would be good to answer them here. Remember, you can always drop me a line by clicking here.
Q: How can I view other user's Trophy Room if they aren't on a leaderboard?
A: It's pretty easy. View your Trophy Room, then add "?u=username" to the end of the URL. The key is that you have to know your friend's username to do it. So, the URL would be something like this:
Q: I saw a survey on the Candystand Home Page, what's up with that?
A: From time to time, we like to learn more about our users. This particular suvey is geared toward folks that play Candystand games while they're working (see, I am not the only one!).
Q: Did you ever get a Trophy on Monster Trucks Unleashed?
A: I most certainly did! In fact, I earned a silver with a score of 127,000! I'm very proud of myself :-)
Q: Any updates on GT Racing or Mini Putt Adventure?
A: We're working night and day on these games. GT will be here before Mini Putt but it is still at least a couple of weeks away.
That's it for today. Later this week, I'll preview a new game (see screen below) that will launch on August 15. It's a baseball game and should be a blast.