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Welcome to The Candystand Blog


Welcome to the brand, spankin' new Blog! On behalf of the entire team, I will be using this space to give you hints and tips on your favorite Candystand games, sneak-previews of some of the new games we have in development, information about our latest sweepstakes and promotions and, of course, lots of inside-info on your favorite Wrigley products.


To stop the conspiracy theories before they start, I am a real person who works on for Wrigley. I've worked on the site for several years and played on it for even longer. Not only do I plan to use this blog to keep all of you up-to-date, but I want you to tell me what we can do to make the site and our games better. Good or bad, please leave comments -- I will read them all!

We've got TONS of new, fun stuff on the way including the game everyone here can't wait to launch, Candystand GT Racing. So, check back often and drop me a line while you're here!


Reader Comments (8)

This is pretty cool. Any chance you can make the CPU opponent in Billiards easier?!?

So, what's up with GT Racing. You've said "coming soon" since May!

July 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Nice job on the new look for the site. I think the trophies are a really cool addition.

I've seen the new Life Savers Sploshions a few places on the site, but can't find them in any stores. They look really yummy, where can I find them?

July 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAgnes

Look forward to reading (in between games of course) and learning some tips, tricks, etc.

Question... are the trophies of any value (towards winning swag) or are they just pretty to look at?

July 28, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Agnes, I've see Sploshions all over the place. Definitely keep looking, they are out there and they rock! Of course, you can buy them at if you can't find them locally.

On to the topic of Trophies. We added them as a reward for good scoring on some of our games. If you look at our scoreboards, you have to be pretty darn amazing just to make it. While the Trophies don't have any "swag value," they do have "brag value."

We're working on adding a search feature to Trophy Room so you can just type in a username and bring up that user's room.

Of course, if you have any ideas for how we can improve it let me know!

July 29, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterThe Candystand Blogger

When is GT racing going to be ready so we can play it?

July 30, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

im new dude

May 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersammie stroughter

Great site!

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOrdissoks

Hi I'm Parry from New Jersey.

July 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterParry Aftab

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