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Entries in Candystand News (36)


We're back with lots of updates

Well, make that "I'm back." Sorry for not posting for a couple of weeks -- I took some vacation, but the good news is that the rest of the team has been hard at work getting lots of new games ready for you.

If you haven't seen it yet, we launched Rally Blitz last week. So far, it seems like the feedback is really good. Click here to play it.

Later this week, we will be launching our new game/application that will enable all of you to create levels and share them with your friends (and the rest of's audience). We'll have a full preview for you later this week, with screens and all. This game will also have a companion Facebook application that you're going to love.

Also, we are finishing up a Surfing game that will be ready later on in the month. Surfing games are not easy to make, but I think the team has done a pretty good job on it.

If you haven't already, make sure to check out for chances to win cool NBA merch and upload some videos for our contest.


Happy Holidays

Just want to thank all of you for visiting this year. We're doing our best to continuously improve the quality of our games and have some amazing and innovative stuff on the way for 2008.

Enjoy the Holdiay! Happy New Year!

~ The Team @


Guitar Hero III

A lot of you ask about my favorite games that aren't on Candystand. As you can imagine, I play a TON of video games... you kind of have to in order to do a job like this! My latest obsession is Guitar Hero III. I'm sure I am preaching to the choir here, but the game is flat-out amazing and the wireless guitar makes the experience even better.

So, when the folks at Activision gave me a call and asked if we wanted to partner up on the game, you can imagine that it wasn't a tough sell! Hopefully you've seen that we are celebrating the game on Candystand by giving away a killer Gibson guitar and a ton of GH3 merchandise in the Candystand Rocks Guitar Hero III Sweepstakes that's up on the site right now. You definitely want to sign up for that one.

Something you may not be aware of is that our friends at Activision have actually put Wrigley's 5 Gum in the game. We've put together a video to give you a look. Now, when I play I can call it "research."




Yes.... it is!

Nothing gets past you guys... Yes, is faster -- particularly if you're located outside of the United States. Enjoy the performance; we're very happy about it too!


Big week ahead!

I realize things have been a little bit quiet here at the blog, but I do have my reasons! We have a really, really huge week ahead -- in fact, the next month or so is going to bring a ton of brand, spanking new games!

First up, we are set to launch the much ballyhooed Candystand Baseball. For the first time, we've tackled creating a full version of a sports game -- this is not easy to do while keeping the file at a reasonable size (meaning it doesn't take you forever to download it!). This game allows you to play both offense (hitting) and defense (pitching and fielding) and will probably remind you of the some of the classic console baseball games.

We also will be releasing Pow Pool. A lot of you know how excited I am about this game. Essentially, it is a very stylized pool-style game. What you need to do is sink all of the balls on the table (a smaller table with 4 pockets) before time runs out. My only warning is that you really shouldn't start playing this until you're ready to get hooked. No joke, I have been obsessed since I got a test version over a month ago.

Lastly, we have a bunch of new sports games lead by Candystand Face-Off, a new hockey game. We're working on previews of all the sports titles as well as Wave Jet Racer which is in development and looking hot!

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