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Big week ahead!

I realize things have been a little bit quiet here at the blog, but I do have my reasons! We have a really, really huge week ahead -- in fact, the next month or so is going to bring a ton of brand, spanking new games!

First up, we are set to launch the much ballyhooed Candystand Baseball. For the first time, we've tackled creating a full version of a sports game -- this is not easy to do while keeping the file at a reasonable size (meaning it doesn't take you forever to download it!). This game allows you to play both offense (hitting) and defense (pitching and fielding) and will probably remind you of the some of the classic console baseball games.

We also will be releasing Pow Pool. A lot of you know how excited I am about this game. Essentially, it is a very stylized pool-style game. What you need to do is sink all of the balls on the table (a smaller table with 4 pockets) before time runs out. My only warning is that you really shouldn't start playing this until you're ready to get hooked. No joke, I have been obsessed since I got a test version over a month ago.

Lastly, we have a bunch of new sports games lead by Candystand Face-Off, a new hockey game. We're working on previews of all the sports titles as well as Wave Jet Racer which is in development and looking hot!

Reader Comments (4)

Wow...Pow Pool is fun, but whenever I try and play the Candystand baseball I get a "Sorry! We're sorry, an application error occurred." Can't wait to play the baseball though.

October 8, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I've played candystand for quite a while , 5 years maybe.. and every single time I go and play i stay for ever, I cant get off! Continue your good work guys your really going up on the charts and pepole know what candystand is good job and keep up the work , were all loveing this!!!! :P

p.s: good game pickel , lol. 46 to 56 isnt that bad...

October 8, 2007 | Unregistered Commentergabs781

Pow pool won't work on my computer but all the other games do, it comes up to orange circles and white in the middle.

October 9, 2007 | Unregistered Commentertj

how do u throw in cnadystand baseball?

October 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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