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Entries in Candystand News (36)


We want to know a little about you

Do you play games while you're at work? If so, please help to improve by filling out this very short survey!

Click Here for the Survey.


Blackbeard’s Assault iPhone is a Hit!

The reviews are in and the masses love Blackbeard’s Assault! Here are some of the things people are saying:

The graphics are excellent. The colors pop, the pictures in between levels are well done, and the playfield is alive with action and explosions. The music is top notch and sounds like a movie score.

As fun as the online Flash version is, the iPhone version is even better as it makes it easy to switch between cannons and fire where you tap. This effectively makes the game a frantic, yet fun puzzle game with lots of staying power.

Blackbeard's Assault is a well done, refined game that will likely hold your interest for quite some time.

Blackbeard’s Assault is easy to pick up, and extremely difficult to put down.

it was entertaining, addicting and challenging all at the same time.

Not only that, we also have a customer reviews rating of 4/5 stars. So if you have an iPhone you must own this game, which just happens to be on sale for only 99 cents


Download Here


Happy Thanksgiving!

Everybody at would like to wish you all Happy Thanksgiving!


Blackbeard's Assault boards the iPhone

I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that unfortunately there will be no game release this week on The good news is that like the blog title says, Blackbeard's Assault is now on the iPhone. It’s all that great Pirate vs. Ninja cannonball action you love, just in a smaller package. The iPhone Version features 3 difficulty levels, 20 unique levels, Auto Save and Resume. You get all this for the low price of 2.99. You can check out the video below to see the game in action on the iPhone.

You can click here to download.


The new "My Candystand"

Many of you have noticed our overhaul of "My Candystand" and the way in which we display Trophies on the site. As users of the site ourselves, we're pretty excited about this enhancement. Here's the scoop!

First off, you have to be logged-in and a registered user to take advantage of this functionality (we can't track your scores if you aren't registered). Registration takes about 30 seconds, so click here if you aren't already signed up.

We've recreated the My Candystand section to basically consolidate your Trophy Room, best scores and current Challenges and Tournaments. The goal is to give you a single, simple tool to see everything you've done or have going on at

The biggest change is the upgrade to a new Trophy Room -- this is actually now a "trophy view" of your score history. The old Trophy Room worked pretty well until we've added so many Trophy Games to the site. If you had earned more than 20 or 25 trophies, it was kind of a mess... and, it was really hard to tell what you had and had not won. We think we've solved it.

Many of you weren't aware that we had a My Scores page on the site... we know this because it got very, very little traffic. Funny, one of the top enhancement requests we get is a tool to show you your best all-time scores on various games... since we already had the functionality, we need to do a better job of presenting the information. Now, the "scores view" tab in your My Candystand gives you all of the info in a simple list format.

Finally, now you can use My Candystand to track your private challenges and Tournament status. This was a very simple enhancement that we think works really, really well.

My favorite part of the new My Candystand is that you can view any other user's trophies or scores by doing one of two things: 1) type the username into the search bar at the top of your My Candystand page, or 2) click any username on a leaderboard. Now you can see how you compare to the best Candystand players around!

We hope you like this new tool. Please, please, please email me if you have any ideas for further enhancements or if you find things you don't like. With your help, we can definitely improve this feature even more.

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