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Entries in Blog News (4)


Candystand Guests on AOL Games' Weekly Podcast!

You may or may not know, but before I came over to Candystand this month, I was an assistant editor for AOL Games' casual/social games blog and co-hosted their weekly podcast, the AOL Gameshow. The team was gracious enough to invite me back as a guest last week, where we talked about a wide variety of games and I was able to plug some of our popular titles including Electric Box and Tennis Stars Cup

Check out the video below, and let us know what you think! With any luck, we'll be invited back to record with them again soon.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Everybody at would like to wish you all Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Birthday Mario Style

Over here at the Candystand HQ we had a birthday and he got these sweet Mario themed Cupcakes. Happy Birthday man!

Eat lots of Turkey

You're not going to see much new here on the blog until next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, but we ARE busy! Here's a rundown of what's coming in December.

- Two new racing games (Stock Cars and Open Wheel)
- A super, top-secret Facebook game
- A Vector TDx tournament

And... if you think we produced some good games in 2007, wait until you hear what we've got in store for 2008. It's gonna rock!