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We're back with lots of updates

Well, make that "I'm back." Sorry for not posting for a couple of weeks -- I took some vacation, but the good news is that the rest of the team has been hard at work getting lots of new games ready for you.

If you haven't seen it yet, we launched Rally Blitz last week. So far, it seems like the feedback is really good. Click here to play it.

Later this week, we will be launching our new game/application that will enable all of you to create levels and share them with your friends (and the rest of's audience). We'll have a full preview for you later this week, with screens and all. This game will also have a companion Facebook application that you're going to love.

Also, we are finishing up a Surfing game that will be ready later on in the month. Surfing games are not easy to make, but I think the team has done a pretty good job on it.

If you haven't already, make sure to check out for chances to win cool NBA merch and upload some videos for our contest.

Reader Comments (2)

candystand rocks like hell it has everything in the dumb things too

January 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Hi the CandyStand team

Great work with your games, especially Vector TD/X, Thanks. In my high school, we are many to play it.

When you release the next version ? ;-)


January 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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