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Entries in Site News (17)


The Candystand Toolbar

Thanks to everyone for crashing my inbox with requests to be Beta testers :-) Even though I couldn't write back to all of you, everyone is in! Keep checking here for info on testing upcoming games.

Now, here's a special preview for you guys. It's the all-new Toolbar and we're giving our Blog readers a chance to download it first! The toolbar will give you instant access to just about any part of including the Top-10 games, challenges and even our Candy Shop.

Download the toolbar by clicking here.

As always, you can email me and let me know what you think!


Want to be a Candystand game tester?

Sorry that I haven't posted more often this week. We've been really busy finishing up a slew of games for the fall, of course including GT Racing which should be done in a week or so.

Many of you email me asking if you could help test new games for us. Well, I've talked to the team and we're going to allow a few people to be Candystand BETA testers. If you're interested, email me. If that link doesn't work, just shoot a note to:

I'll be back next week with more screens from 3D Mini Putt and info on a GT Racing launch date!

Have a good weekend!


Big day tomorrow...

Tomorrow's going to be a big day for us at We've got a few new promotions on the way and, believe it or not, we have a new game coming out! The game is sort of top-secret, but what I can tell you is that the game involves a bat, a ball and a major motion picture...

Check the Candystand homepage or this blog tomorrow for more info.


More FAQ's

Lots of questions have been rolling in, so I thought it would be good to answer them here. Remember, you can always drop me a line by clicking here.

Q: How can I view other user's Trophy Room if they aren't on a leaderboard?
A: It's pretty easy. View your Trophy Room, then add "?u=username" to the end of the URL. The key is that you have to know your friend's username to do it. So, the URL would be something like this:

Q: I saw a survey on the Candystand Home Page, what's up with that?
A: From time to time, we like to learn more about our users. This particular suvey is geared toward folks that play Candystand games while they're working (see, I am not the only one!).

Q: Did you ever get a Trophy on Monster Trucks Unleashed?
A: I most certainly did! In fact, I earned a silver with a score of 127,000! I'm very proud of myself :-)

Q: Any updates on GT Racing or Mini Putt Adventure?
A: We're working night and day on these games. GT will be here before Mini Putt but it is still at least a couple of weeks away.

That's it for today. Later this week, I'll preview a new game (see screen below) that will launch on August 15. It's a baseball game and should be a blast.


The Doublemint Twins

"Double your pleasure, double your fun..." It's all about the Doublemint Twins today on The Candystand Blog!

First off, this morning we launched the Doublemint Twins Tandem Bike Sweepstakes on You can enter once-per-day for a chance to ride off in a lovely, green tandem bicycle.

Also, the Doublemint Twins have a chance to earn advertising immortality: a spot on the Madison Avenue Advertising Walk of Fame in New York City. Please do your part and vote for the Doublemint Twins by clicking here.

Tomorrow, I will be back with a full preview of our new Life Savers Mini Putt Adventure game. This is still in development, but you won't believe your eyes. It's truly Candystand NextGen!