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Entries in Site News (17)


Candystand Billiards Giveaway

Since it launched in 1998, you guys have made Candystand Billiards one of the most popular games on the Internet. Now, we're giving all of you the chance to take the Candystand Billiards experience home!

We've teamed up with the folks at Brunswick Billiards (they make some of the best billiards tables you can buy) to give away a real pool table (and all the trimmings, of course)! To find out more and to enter, click here!

Tomorrow, I will be posting a whole bunch of screens from our next two games, Spherez and Polarity. I think you'll like what you see.


Network with me!

Ever since I started this blog, I've gotten loads of emails from folks asking if I had a Facebook profile. As of tonight, I do!

Please feel free to invite me to your network or check out my profile. I hope that many of you guys can use this tool to connect with other users.

More news still to come this week... stay tuned!


Feeling lucky?

Based on our traffic numbers, you guys are totally digging Skyburst. We're glad you like our first Virtools game and we've got more on the way in the next couple of weeks. Our Beta testers did a great job helping us perfect this game and we're excited to enlist their support again for the next few.

If you've visited the site lately, you've probably noticed that we've got a bunch of hot sweepstakes running. We're giving away everything from a Juicy Fruit-Yellow Alienware Laptop to iTunes Music Store Gift Cards. You can also play daily for a chance to instantly win a Dooney & Bourke handbag. And, don't forget about the Orbit LCD Sweepstakes and our $25,000 Halloween giveaway. Yeah, we're busy...

I'll be back next week, with some HUGE game news -- news you've all been waiting (and emailing me) for. The big GT announcement is almost here!


No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth....

It's been a while since I've posted... and, I'm sorry. If you keep checking out the next few weeks, you'll know exactly what I've been up to!

For those of you who signed up to be game testers, check your inbox! There's something fun in there for you. If you never signed up, you can email me and I'll add you to the list.

More news coming next week. Enjoy the weekend!


Rain, rain, go away!

At this point, I don't think the rain we've been having in the Northeast will ever end... but, as we all know, rainy days are great days!

I spent my morning playing a little Multiplayer Billiards (straight pool, of course) and scored my personal best in Monster Trucks (182,000 points) early this afternoon. Sometimes I wonder who is the absolute best -- "World Champ" if you will -- at some of our games. Not to give anything away, but maybe we'll just need to find out... sorry for the cliff-hanger, but stay tuned!

Big news coming next week on a couple of our in-development games. Summer may be over, but things are about to really heat up for us!

As always, you can email me if something's on your mind. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend!