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Entries in First Look (78)


Trailer: Candystand Ping Pong

The Holidays are fast approaching and we're really buckled down polishing up a whole bunch of new games that will be in your hands in early January. Here's a preview video of our new Ping Pong game... this isn't just the old Ping Pong that used to be on the site --- it's way, way better!



Orbit Spherez: First Look

It's the holiday season and I'm in the giving mood! So, here's a second preview for all of you today. The game is called Orbit Spherez and the gameplay is fairly simple. You roll the "sphere" around dozens of maze-like levels as quickly as possible (collecting packs of Orbit Gum along the way) to rack up points.

Along with Polarity, this game is receiving it's final touches right now. With a little bit of luck, it will be in your hands before Santa comes to visit!


Mini Putt Launched!

I hope everyone is gearing up for a big Turkey dinner tomorrow night... I know that I am. A day off from work or school should give you plenty of time to have some fun with our newest game!

Introducing: Mini Putt Adventure

We all hope that you like this game as much as we do. If input from our beta testers is any indication, you'll totally dig it.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday! Extra Jetpack Mission is coming your way next week!


Mini Putt is in beta!

Just want to let you all know that our Beta testers are plugging away, testing Mini Putt. Not to over-hype, but the response has been unbelievable. Make sure to check-in here at the blog on Monday for a sneak-peak at the game!

Extra Jetpack Mission will be hitting our testers next week, so email me if you want to be a part of the program (and make sure to let me know why!).

Have a great weekend!


Trailer: Extra Jetpack Adventure

Better than screen shots.... game footage! Enjoy!