Big day on Thursday

Well, folks, you can be pretty sure that your friends here at won't be sleeping tonight! We've got a big day tomorrow... what's going on?? Well, let me tell you.
First off, we are releasing brand new versions of some of our most popular games (thanks to Tom and the rest of the beta testers for all of your help on this!).
Be on the lookout for new versions of these games on Thursday:
- Billiards
- Bowling
- Mah-Jongg
- Calculation Solitaire
- Free Cell Solitaire
- Klondike Solitaire
- Golf Solitaire
- Pyramid Solitaire
All of these games have been given massive graphics overhauls. We've also brought the physics on Billiards and Bowling straight up to 2007 standards. Don't be a hater! I've played these games for years, just like you... it takes time to get used to the new versions, but trust me -- they rock!
Over the next few months, we'll be updating almost all of our classic games. As I've mentioned before, some of the changes will be nearly impossible to detect.... heh, but you're not going to believe what we're doing to some of your old faves like 3D Snowboarding, Dodgeball and RC Rally. We'll have plenty of previews here on the blog, so keep checking in to be the first to know!
The news does not stop there, my friends... Sure, I've hinted this news like crazy the last few weeks, but I'm proud to "officially" announce that is coming to the UK & Ireland!
On Thursday morning, if you're from the UK & Ireland you will notice something different about the site. Sure, all of your favourite games will still be there, but the site will now keep you up-to-date on Wrigley products like Airwaves, Extra and Orbit Complete... oh yeah, and you'll now be eligible to win prizes on the site, too! (NOTE: If you're not from the UK & Ireland, but still want to check out the new site tomorrow, just log-out and select "change country" from the My Candystand menu).
Of course, we're not stopping here! Over the next several months, new versions of will be popping up all over the world.
While our UK users will still be able to play the games that they've always played on the US site, we'll be building loads of new games that they're sure to love (Hint: Airwaves Ducati and maybe a football game or two).
Check back next week for news on three new puzzle games coming in the next week or so!