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Entries in First Look (78)


Big day on Thursday

Well, folks, you can be pretty sure that your friends here at won't be sleeping tonight! We've got a big day tomorrow... what's going on?? Well, let me tell you.

First off, we are releasing brand new versions of some of our most popular games (thanks to Tom and the rest of the beta testers for all of your help on this!).

Be on the lookout for new versions of these games on Thursday:

  • Billiards
  • Bowling
  • Mah-Jongg
  • Calculation Solitaire
  • Free Cell Solitaire
  • Klondike Solitaire
  • Golf Solitaire
  • Pyramid Solitaire

All of these games have been given massive graphics overhauls. We've also brought the physics on Billiards and Bowling straight up to 2007 standards. Don't be a hater! I've played these games for years, just like you... it takes time to get used to the new versions, but trust me -- they rock!

Over the next few months, we'll be updating almost all of our classic games. As I've mentioned before, some of the changes will be nearly impossible to detect.... heh, but you're not going to believe what we're doing to some of your old faves like 3D Snowboarding, Dodgeball and RC Rally. We'll have plenty of previews here on the blog, so keep checking in to be the first to know!

The news does not stop there, my friends... Sure, I've hinted this news like crazy the last few weeks, but I'm proud to "officially" announce that is coming to the UK & Ireland!


On Thursday morning, if you're from the UK & Ireland you will notice something different about the site. Sure, all of your favourite games will still be there, but the site will now keep you up-to-date on Wrigley products like Airwaves, Extra and Orbit Complete... oh yeah, and you'll now be eligible to win prizes on the site, too! (NOTE: If you're not from the UK & Ireland, but still want to check out the new site tomorrow, just log-out and select "change country" from the My Candystand menu).

Of course, we're not stopping here! Over the next several months, new versions of will be popping up all over the world.

While our UK users will still be able to play the games that they've always played on the US site, we'll be building loads of new games that they're sure to love (Hint: Airwaves Ducati and maybe a football game or two).

Check back next week for news on three new puzzle games coming in the next week or so!


10-pin Pro Tour Bowling -- Preview

Now that you've seen the new version of Candystand Billiards (thanks for all of the emails about it), here's a preview of our updated Bowling game.





Candystand Billiards gets a face-lift

Since launched back in 1997, one game has stood above the rest as our most popular: Candystand Billiards

In about a week, we'll be releasing a new version of this classic game. We've gone to great lengths to improve the graphics and the ball physics while preserving the look and feel of the original version.

Here's a quick video of the new Billiards game. On a side note, some of our UK-based users might be surprised to see some of their favourite brands like Airwaves and Orbit Complete in a game. Check back here at the blog next week for some exciting news!


We'll also be premiering new versions of other classic games such as Bowling, Mah-Jongg and all of our Solitaire games next week. Throughout 2007 we'll be making updates to many of our classic games -- in fact, some old games are being rebuilt from the ground up (just wait until you see what our friends at Fuel have in store for games like 3D Snowboarding and RC Rally!)


With all that we've got cooking a helping hand is always appreciated. Email me if you'd like to apply to be a Candystand Beta Tester.


Orbit Spherez: Exclusive Playable Preview

We've been working on our next game for several months. Orbit Spherez has been a massive undertaking and we're thrilled to give all of you a playable sneak preview. The game will be officially released later this week.

Click here to play Orbit Spherez!

Feel free to drop me a note and tell me what you think.

We have several new games on the way in April and a major announcement for our friends in the UK. Keep checking the blog for all of the latest news.


Flash Circle TD to launch on Thursday!

We're less than 24-hours away from the launch of one our most eagerly anticipated game launches ever: Flash Circle TD. While you patiently wait, I hope you enjoy some screen shots I posted on flickr.

Click here