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Entries in candystand line golfer flash game (1)


Tada..... Introducing Line Golfer

After weeks of hype, I'm psyched to finally give you a first-look at Line Golfer, our most ambitious game, well, ever!

Now, Line Golfer doesn't have a high-score board. It also doesn't have any trophies. You'll never see a Line Golfer tournament. It also doesn't stink...! It rules, here's why!

Line Golfer is, in it's truest sense, an exercise in creativity. Once you load the game, you get a blank screen... and some tools (fairway, sand, rough, etc.) to draw with. Basically, you have a chance to draw an elaborate (or simple) golf hole, set the par and... and this is the cool part... post it for other Candystand users to rate, play and have fun with.

If you're not the creative type, you can simply browse or search through all of the other created holes. They are a ton of fun to play, too!

... but wait, there's more exciting news. In a couple of weeks, we'll be launching Line Golfer for Facebook which will allow you to create holes and post them on your Facebook Profile page. Stay tuned for more news on that!

Line Golfer will launch tomorrow. Look for the link here on the blog!