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Entries by Scott (162)


Dave's pick!

Do you guys know who `Dave' is? Well, he's your pal! He's the guy that works his tail off to make most of's games a reality. That's Dave and here's his favorite Line Golfer hole!

Click here to play Dave's favorite hole.

Enjoy and don't thank me, thank Dave!


You guys rule!

I'm seriously blown away by some of the courses you guys are creating in Line Golfer. I couldn't narrow it down to a single "hole of the week" this week -- and since it is my blog I'm gonna give you two!

Hole #1: "Inside You" created by BenF09
This is just super-creative and really well designed. I have no idea how you guys can draw so well with a mouse. My holes are so basic by comparison. In this hole, you have to shoot the ball into a guy's mouth, through his body and over to the hole. Try to do it in 3!

Hole #2: "Evil Knievel" created by motox27
Alright, this is one of the many tricky par-1's out there. See if you can make it, in the style of the late, great Evil Knievel in one shot!

So far, there have been almost 10,000 courses create. That's nuts! I know we saw some performance issues on the game last week, but everything is fixed now are we are good to go. Definitely look for more games/web toys like this from us in the future. If you've got any ideas, you know where to find me!

Next week, we'll give you a preview of our new surfing game!


Line Golfer: First Video

I'm sure the first of many... This is well done!




Congratulations NY Giants, NFC Champions!

All of us at send our congratulations to the New York Giants for defeating the Packers and advancing to the Super Bowl.

The Giants have been our partners this season (click here for the NY Giants arcade) and we like to think that was their good luck charm!


Go Big Blue!



Line Golfer Hole of the Week

Editor's pick -- this is one of my favorites so far. Really fun design based on Super Mario Bros.! Well done!

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