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Entries by Scott (162)


Slipstream: 600K Point, Gold Trophy Run

Nice work, Tom!




The new "My Candystand"

Many of you have noticed our overhaul of "My Candystand" and the way in which we display Trophies on the site. As users of the site ourselves, we're pretty excited about this enhancement. Here's the scoop!

First off, you have to be logged-in and a registered user to take advantage of this functionality (we can't track your scores if you aren't registered). Registration takes about 30 seconds, so click here if you aren't already signed up.

We've recreated the My Candystand section to basically consolidate your Trophy Room, best scores and current Challenges and Tournaments. The goal is to give you a single, simple tool to see everything you've done or have going on at

The biggest change is the upgrade to a new Trophy Room -- this is actually now a "trophy view" of your score history. The old Trophy Room worked pretty well until we've added so many Trophy Games to the site. If you had earned more than 20 or 25 trophies, it was kind of a mess... and, it was really hard to tell what you had and had not won. We think we've solved it.

Many of you weren't aware that we had a My Scores page on the site... we know this because it got very, very little traffic. Funny, one of the top enhancement requests we get is a tool to show you your best all-time scores on various games... since we already had the functionality, we need to do a better job of presenting the information. Now, the "scores view" tab in your My Candystand gives you all of the info in a simple list format.

Finally, now you can use My Candystand to track your private challenges and Tournament status. This was a very simple enhancement that we think works really, really well.

My favorite part of the new My Candystand is that you can view any other user's trophies or scores by doing one of two things: 1) type the username into the search bar at the top of your My Candystand page, or 2) click any username on a leaderboard. Now you can see how you compare to the best Candystand players around!

We hope you like this new tool. Please, please, please email me if you have any ideas for further enhancements or if you find things you don't like. With your help, we can definitely improve this feature even more.


New Game: Insurgo Remix

We have a new game today, it's called Insurgo Remix. This is definitely a unique kind of game for us -- it is also super difficult to explain. The object of the game is to build the biggest tower you can out of a series of steel beams and bolts. To me, Insurgo Remix is one of those games that makes an hour disappear from your day in no time.

Click here to check out Insurgo Remix
. Next week, we'll have a preview of some other games on the way including..... Paintball!!


Blastrix is live and an update on trophies

Well, folks, we've just launched Blastrix and I still officially stink at this game! Our friends at Stimunation did a really fantastic job on this one -- it plays incredibly smoothly. I highly suggest that you check it out.

Click here to play Blastrix

Separately, we've heard your suggestions to add more Trophy Games and, as you've probably already seen, we've delivered!

I thought it was important that we outline a really clear policy/standard for adding Trophies to games. From now on, Trophies for games will be live about 1-week after the game launches. The reason we can't launch with a Trophy that, sadly, we are nowhere near as good as you guys are at these games.... so, we can only give our best guess to how "good" a good score really is until we watch the leaderboards for a week.

Also, once we launch the Trophies, if you have already achieved a score equal to one of the Trophy levels we will automatically award the Trophy to you.

Next week, I will give you a preview of version 2.0 of Candystand Trophies which will be part of a really cool new "My Candystand" feature. Stay tuned!


First Look: Blastrix

Sorry for the lack of communication lately... we do have a lot going on!

Today, I've got a few screens of Blastrix which is our next game. Blastrix should be in your hands tomorrow, but for now these pretty pictures will have to do. The game is a classic-style space shooter that I am incredibly bad at... like, really bad. But, everyone else on the team really digs it and is super excited about it.

Block out some time to check it out in the morning!

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