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First Look: The Space Game

Here is a video preview of David Scott's “The Space Game”. I will keep you posted on a release date. Until then check out some info on the game below.

TSG is a single player strategy game that features 18 missions and modes of play. You build structures to create and store energy, you mine asteroids for their minerals, and use both to expand and defend your operation, all while under attack… well you are mining someone else’s asteroid field :o)

Each mission starts the same, you find yourself in the middle of an asteroid field laced with precious Minerals. You build and expand by constructing Solar stations, Energy relays and Miners to extract the minerals from the rocks. As you expand you attract the attention of passing pirate ships which warp in to attack your structures. With Basic, Pulse and Tactical High Energy Lasers (THELs) as well as Missile launchers you must defend your mining operation and complete your mission.

Reader Comments (2)

Nice blog!
quite informative, love to read this blog.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBob

This is great! Reminds me of Harvest Massive Encounter!
Awesome concept, it should be explored even more.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBalante

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