New Release: Electric Box

Electric Box is a very addictive puzzle game that tasks you with carrying electric current from the power source across a level to a light a lightbulb on the other side. Plus, you can create and share your own level.
Reader Comments (27)
Can someone tell me how to pass lvl 113 .... its getting to me
put the laser pointing left off of the power supply. direct the laser up, and then to the right into a laser detector. the energy will travel down the backwards L wire to where you should have a transporter facing left underneath the mirror. it will carry it left and then direct the laser up and then point the top mirror left into a laser detector with a water dispenser on the other end. have a turbine on the bottom beneath it, have a windmill on top of that upside down T wire, and a kettle on the right side of that. hope that helps
Level 13?
Hi. What about level 14? Where does the bot go? Tnx
how do i get past lvl 9?
what about 14? ive been trying or days
Ok so i have passed all levels up to 14 and i dont think it can be passed any suggestions would be help full
On the vertical line bove the power button, put fans on the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th dots, all facing right. The 2 fans that are already there, thetop facs right and bottom faces left. Pu the ball above those 2 fans all the way on the top. The magnet goes above th ball that is already there, 3 dots up onthe corner. Put a steam detector next to the ball yo placed on the top to the right, nd the other next to that on the end ofhe water line. thats it.
After that try 15 and give me some help
Than ks for your help on 14. i will try to help you on 15 but Are you kiddin me 15 is a nightmare
Thank you for the 14th level hints :D
For level 15 , the hints are too many to write them , so i will post an image with the correct combination! http://imigi.rol.ro/public/pview/8121/level15.JPG
Sorry , that link doesn't work well ... here is the right one !
For that guy with his custom level :D ... Solved ! try Harder dude !
Any hints on level 12?
Here is the correct what to beat 14, not the advice from the earlier posts. On the power strip all the way to left, put fans all facing right on dots 1, 6, 7. Then connect one steam detector to the water, and put one on on the top left of the free standing strip, that has nothing on it, and then put the ball next to it, so it is over the fans that were on there when you started. Now there are three furnaces next to eachother on the top, and then the ball. Now on the strip next to the fans that are already there, that wont move, make sure they are pointing left by the way, Put the bot next to the bottom fan so it goes right, then put a right facing fan above it and then put the magnet facing left above that and then start. This should pass the level
I have tried all the ways already posted here and none of them work. This is the only way I have found to be correct:
You're going to have to copy/paste it because I couldn't get the HTML to work
check out my first atempt...
Aled...pretty good...I had about 7 items left over though.
Can anyone help me with level 9? I am not that experienced at this game.
how do u pass level six??
How do you beat cotsios's done with the wind?
This one: Done with the wind:
I'm so close but this is the first one I can't figure out... anybody??
My levels:
Laser Path 1
Laser Path 2
Laser Path 3
try this