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Hydro Racer and Downhill Skiing launch

Two new games hit the Candystand today. First off, we welcome back Hydro Racer to the site (gone for about 2-years). And we give you a totally re-done Downhill Skiing.

Hydro Racer will remind you an awful lot of RC Rally. In fact, it is built on the very same engine -- the physics are different because the game is played on water! Give it a shot, it is a lot of fun.

Downhill Skiing while completely seasonally inappropriate (see: Snow Grind) is vastly improved. We've redone the control scheme and overhauled the graphics. I'm really pleased with how well it turned out.

As always, let me know what you think of these games and provide suggestions for improvements -- we love those!

Next week, we will be launching a brand new skateboarding game called Kick Flip that totally rocks. I'll have a full preview for you over the weekend.

Reader Comments (1)

These 2 new games rock!! I'm not very good at Hydro Racer, but it's still really fun!

July 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJESUSchick

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