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The story behind "Snow Grind"

Exciting news, everybody, we're about to launch our newest game -- Snow Grind. Doesn't it just seem perfect that in the middle of July we'd decide to launch our newest Snowboarding game?? I know, timing has never really been our thing... but there is a good reason!

As most of you know (and if you don't, welcome to the Candystand Blog for the first time!), we've been upgrading and redoing many of our classic games. One of the games on the list to "touch up" is 3D Snowboarding.

3D Snowboarding does have it's charm (the "Missy" in the game is supposed my wife and the "Drew" is one of my best friends from college... and yes, I absolutely know how incredibly lame that is; I'm just trying to be honest!), but we do realize that the game pretty much stinks... and Candystand's Snowboarding games really shouldn't stink.

So, with some help from our friends at Fuel we started from scratch and cranked out what I think is a very solid game called Snow Grind. In Snow Grind, you have to trick your way down the hill and rack up as many style points as possible. It's fun and you'll have it on Thursday.

In other news that's relevant for summer, our new Downhill Skiing will also be done in the next week or so!

Tomorrow, I'll give you a full run-down of all of the games we're launching this week. Block out your Thursday because we have lots of new stuff set to launch!

Reader Comments (2)

Sounds cool!! Yeah, the other snowboarding one does stink! I can't even get 2 the bottom of the mountain...but that may be because I'm not very good. Can't wait 4 the new games 2 come out on Thursday!!

July 17, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJESUSchick

I love how you put a poll on how can you do that

July 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKyle Maguire

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