A few updates!

Believe it or not, I HAVE actually been working since Vector TD came out! It's the rest of the team that hasn't...... :)
Seriously, though, there's quite a bit of news on the way. Here are some updates.
FreeKick: This game is just about finished. We had some last minute things to get fixed up and we're ready to roll. It will be out early next week!
Updated games: We're rolling right through some of our old content and the next few updates should be pretty welcome. First, we totally overhauled Tennis Open. We've also redone Air Hockey and are working on Downhill Skiing and 3D Snowboarding (perfect for summer, no??). We'll have screens for Tennis (now called Match Point Tennis) tomorrow. Oh, and my personal fav, RC Rally which I am super pumped about.
New (old) games: I get lots of "what ever happened to...." emails. Well, we're bringing back some goodies from the Candystand archives. We've got three football games coming back in addition to RC Boats. The graphics engines in these classics are being redone, but the gameplay will be exactly the same.
Tournaments: Tournament mode is almost ready for testing... if we could only find some people that wanted to test it our for us.... HINT HINT!! If you're interested, email me, and I'll add you to the list.
New stuff: Paintball Titans is still in development (very big project) and should be ready later on in the summer. We've also got a new Baseball game and a sweeeeeeeet SuperBikes racing game that will be along before the 4th of July.
See... we ARE busy! Now, I need to get back to Vec...er...work.
Thanks for all of the emails -- check back here soon for all the latest.
Reader Comments (1)
How about the old miniature golf game with the animals and blimp, etc.? Also how about an 18 hole golf game (real golf)? We had one once that was great! Thanks!