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Update on Billiards

I can't tell you how much the team and I appreciate the feedback and support for the new Billiards game. As we continue to enhance the game, know that all of your emails are being read and suggestions being considered. The game continues to evolve, so keep the comments coming.

A few people have suggested bringing the old version of the game back to the site to allow folks to practice up for Multiplayer Billiards. While we will not be upgrading the classic game, our team is working to make the "classic" game available on the site. Don't worry, we will have a multiplayer version of New Billiards in the summer.

Check back here at the blog for an update on Monday. We hope to have "Classic Billiards" available again by the middle of the week.

Reader Comments (2)

Along those lines, will there be an update to the multiplayer bowling? Last I checked it is still the old version.

P.S. Great work with all the new games. I'm not a huge fan of the bowling update, but I'll give it time. :)

May 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Yes, we will be adding multiplayer bowling this summer, too. You can play a single-player game through the multiplayer bowling application, so there's no reason to post the old bowling game.

May 7, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCandystand Blogger

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