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Steve-O, Target Bowling and other updates

Happy Friday, everyone!

I don't usually use this space to promote our TV ads, but if you haven't checked out the behind-the-scenes footage of our Orbit Mint Mojito ad featuring Steve-O... you have to click here now!

In other news, we've launched Target Bowling which I hope makes the work day go a bit faster for you!

A lot of you have been asking why we do not post trophies with new games when they launch. Believe it or not, you guys are WAY better at our games that we are. So, we take a look at your scores and then slot our bronze, silver and gold trophy levels based on how well you're doing. So, it's safe to assume that all new games will have trophies about a month after they are live.

There's lots of news coming on the gaming front. We're continuing to upgrade a lot of our classic games. In the next couple of weeks, you'll be getting new versions of Tennis, Darts and Air Hockey. Also, Awesome Blossom is in it's final development stages and should be live in a week or so.

The fun doesn't end there, however. We've got a bunch of new stuff in the pipe that I'll begin previewing over the next few days. For starters, we're almost done with a new soccer (or Football for our friends in the UK) called "Free Kick." It's a very simple game that I'm already hooked on. This game requires you to take (and bend) Free Kicks to score goals... but, that's not all. You also have to play goalie and defend the net from your opponent's kicks.

Check out these screens:


Check back here next week for a preview of our upcoming Baseball game (which is going to rock) and even more info about Flash Vector TD. Have a great weekend!

Reader Comments (2)

I understand what you said about trophy games that we are much better then you. BUT... round the world and maybe even Polarity have been around long enough that you could make them a trophy game. Thanks for keeping me updated and continue doing so!

May 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

thanx for making spherez a trophy game!its great! Please work on Round the world!

May 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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