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Candystand Face-off & 3 golf games launch!

Our busy week continues! Today, we launched Candystand Face-Off and three new golf games.

I have to hand it to our friends at Silent Bay Studios, making an ice hockey game that works well in the browser is not easy. Well, I think they've absolutely nailed it and now boasts the best hockey game available on the web. Strap on your skates and click here to check it out!

We've also launched three new golf games today. We've gotten a lot of feedback from folks saying that an 18 or even 9-hole golf game just takes too long to play. So, we've created 3, 3-hole golf games that take less time to play but are just as fun. Each mini-course has it's own style: a classic links course, a desert course and a mountain course.

As always, flood my inbox with feedback!

....Get ready because Wave Rider is coming next week!


Reader Comments (4)

Wow, Hockey rules. Like a PSP game for free!

October 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

I like the Hockey game as well but i reacon the golf games should be one game not 3 separate games.

October 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I have to agree, great game, have to try the golf one's still.

Also thanks you very much for changing the instructions for Candystand Baseball!

October 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCandystand Fan

The Golf games remind me alot of PGA Tour GOlf on the Amiga from yesteryear (same control options).

My highlight so far: hole in 2!!! on the difficult 620 yard Mountain Par 5.

July 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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