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Entries in YouTube (25)


First Look Video: Hover Wars

Check out our upcoming game Hover Wars. Created by our friends at Silent Bay Studios, Hover Wars is a futuristic game of bumper cars. I may be a bit bias, but I really dig it. Check out the trailer and look for it on the site very soon!


Candystand's Paintball Smash - Video Trailer

Ladies and gentlemen, without further delay... I give you Paintball Smash! We've been hard at work on this one for a long, long time and I think you're going to like it a lot.

Paintball Smash will be out in a few weeks!




Breaking the silence (sorry about that!)

It's been awful quiet here on the blog, but we're back today with a preview of our upcoming basketball game, Streetball Jam. I think that when you see just how good this game looks, you'll realize that we're very busy cranking away on loads of outstanding games that we have in the mix.

This game should be out in the next week or so!

Check back Monday for a preview of our new Paintball game.




Slipstream: 600K Point, Gold Trophy Run

Nice work, Tom!




Slipstream - First look

Sorry that things have been so quiet here on the blog -- we'll fix that today.

Here's a video of our next game, Slipstream. This game is also created by our friends at Silent Bay Studios and, I think, it is both unique and incredibly fun. I know that I ALWAYS tell you that our games our great (isn't it nice that I love me own product??), but this one is looking like it is my new favorite game on the site. It is incredibly addictive -- you'll see.

Slipstream should be out later in the week. Check out the video below.