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Entries by The Candystand Man (68)


Spin Blaster is live and our logo got spooky

We're trying to get in the Halloween spirit in the office, so we figured we ought to add just a little big of spookiness to our logo. The real challenge is how our designers incorporate a turkey for Thanksgiving... stay tuned for that one!

On to the more important news of the day... this week's new game is now live on the site. The game is called Spin Blaster and it is a modern interpretation of a classic arcade-style shooter.

I have to say, this game ain't easy (which is another way to say that I stink at it), but it has become an instant favorite with the team here. You control a rotating "core" and have to spin it so that you shoot orange shapes from the orange side and green ones from the green side... make sense?? LOL... it may be complicated to explain, but it is very easy to figure out. I just think it'd be better if you went over to the site and checked it out for yourself!

Click here to play Spin Blaster!

There's more great stuff in the works, including a new and upgraded Blog! So, sit tight and stay tuned for all of the latest from!


First Look Video: Hover Wars

Check out our upcoming game Hover Wars. Created by our friends at Silent Bay Studios, Hover Wars is a futuristic game of bumper cars. I may be a bit bias, but I really dig it. Check out the trailer and look for it on the site very soon!


Are you ready for some football?

If you read yesterday's post, you're painfully aware that Snow Grind is launching tomorrow morning. In our unending efforts to make you really, really love us -- we're also giving you three new football games tomorrow! Seriously, how much do you love us??

Now, these aren't any old football games... no, no, no. Two of these football games are some of Candystand's most popular games ever -- but they've been gone for two years! You guessed it (maybe), we're bringing back our classic Field Goal Challenge and QB Shootout games.

As many of you know, Wrigley bought from Kraft foods in the summer of 2005 (yay!). At that time, a few of Candystand's classic games were dropped from the site for a variety of reasons. Not only did it bum you guys out, but it bummed all of us out too... QB Shootout has long been a favorite game of the Candystand staff. After two years, these games are coming back and we couldn't be happier.

I did say three games, though... that only accounts for two. Well, we're also bringing a brand new football game to the site called Chalkboard Football. It is a very simple top-down football game that requires you pick a play and time your pass perfectly to march your team down the field.

We also have a big partnership in the works with a pro football team that we'll be announcing shortly.

Check back here at the blog tomorrow for all of the links to the new games as soon as they are posted.

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